17 August – 6 September 2020
This is the Hull Story Map. It’s a map made of stories, or memories, of feelings, of words. Please add to the map by typing in a postcode and write a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a memory, a sensation, an event, an emotion. Together we’ll build Hull online as a city made of stories.
Joanna Walsh
Image: Joanna Walsh by Liam Bundy
Humber Mouth is delighted to have a new project from lockdown for Freedom Festival 2020.
Writer and artist Joanna Walsh is our Digital Writer-in-Residence and has created the Hull Story Map, a brand new interactive project which wants to gather your words about Hull.
Joanna has also written an essay – Place Writing – to accompany the map. You can read that here.
The map will be only be live for a short time (17 August – 6 September) so make sure you get your contributions in!
Don’t forget to get involved with the rest of Freedom Festival online 4-6 September.